This is your central hub to learn how to safely and effectively use complementary medicines (CM) with your patients who take prescribed drugs.
This education is for practitioners - pharmacists, naturopaths, nutritionists - all practitioners who are working to help their patients find better health.
Statistics (and our experience) tells us that more people are being prescribed drugs than ever before, and at the same time - the use of CM continues to rise.
Whilst our patients may think that natural=safe, we know that nutrients and herbs may impact how a drug is absorbed, processed and excreted by the body. Some CM may increase or decrease the effectiveness of a drug.
Your comprehensive guide to using evidence based complementary medicines safely and effectively alongside prescription drugs.
Designed with you in mind - the practitioner who wants to help their patients find their best health - and leaving no stone unturned in that process.
You will develop your knowledge to become a confident clinician who can quickly identify the best recommendations, what herbs or nutrients to avoid or include and understand the reasons why you are doing so.
Your comprehensive guide to using evidence based complementary medicines safely and effectively alongside prescription drugs.
Designed with you in mind - the practitioner who wants to help their patients find their best health - and leaving no stone unturned in that process.
You will develop your knowledge to become a confident clinician who can quickly identify the best recommendations, what herbs or nutrients to avoid or include and understand the reasons why you are doing so.
Statin medications have been available in Australia for more than 30 years. They are prescribed to either lower lipid markers, reduce the risk/further development of cardiovascular disease (CVD), or both.
With growing rates of CVD, use of statins continues to rise.
⚠️ Can you recognise side effects?
✋ Assess and ameliorate a nutrient depletion?
AND - perhaps most pressing...
Is there evidence to support complementary medicine interventions to help your patients?
✨ Can you offer solutions - that may improve their cardiovascular health? that may lower their lipid markers?
🤓 And can you do all this with confidence that your suggested interventions are safe?
⁉️ So many questions!
👊 Lets dive in and learn more 👊
High blood pressure is so common - it is estimated to affect over 1/4 of adult Australians... over 4 million people.
And then less than half these are medicated. And half of those whom are medicated, still have uncontrolled hypertension.
So, where does that leave you as a health care professional in the community?
Regardless of whether you're handing out the scripts in pharmacy or noting down the list of meds in a clinical setting - you know that you want to help.
You may have heard about some nutrients or herbs that might help lower blood pressure - but are they safe?
What are the interactions and what's the evidence for benefit?
Medication prescriptions to help Australians manage their mood is on the rise.
Within the last couple of years we have seen the introduction of not just one, but now TWO SSRI drugs to the top 10 most prescribed medications in Australia.
That means millions of Australians may potentially benefit from your help.
❓ Can you recognise side effects?
✋ Assess and ameliorate a nutrient depletion?
AND - perhaps most pressing...
Is there evidence to support complementary medicine interventions to help your patients?
✨ Can you offer solutions - that may improve their health?
🤓 And can you do all this with confidence that your suggested interventions are safe?
From managing expectations to side effects - front line health professionals like yourself are needed to help people every day.
So let's learn about what is safe, what is effective and just how much you can support your patients to a better mood and healthier body.
hint - there's a lot you can do!
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that impacts many Australian families with over a million people living with the condition.
Studies into the cause, the risk factors and of course the treatment continue to uncover new evidence and information.
One medication, since its release, has continued to grow in its prescription rate - and that is metformin. Almost 3.5 million scripts were dispensed last year alone.
But metformin is not alone!
It is first line therapy but other drugs are frequently prescribed as patients may need additional support.
Is this where complementary medicines may come in?
Let's learn how you can you help your patients manage their blood sugar alongside their metformin?
Antibiotics have been rightfully described as a 'wonder drug'. Since the creation in the 1940s, this group of drugs has contributed more to changing the landscape for the treatment of infectious disease than any other.
But as we often find, with the miraculous benefits, do come risks.
If not side effects, secondary infections, or long term alterations to the microbiome - then it's the scourge of rising rates of antibiotic resistance.
You will learn through this course how to help your patients - from preventing secondary illness through to supporting the body through long term use.
Let's get started!
PPI use continues to rise, and the PBS numbers only take prescriptions into account - meaning that with the OTC purchases, there are even more members of our community using these meds.
Did you know?!?
These are some of the more known (notorious?!?) drugs to contribute to nutrient depletions and exacerbating digestive complaints?
So - what can you do to help? As is often the case - PLENTY!
From supporting side effects to helping to reduce GORD and other illnesses and symptoms without the need for more medication - there is a wonderful opportunity to help your patients.
Let's learn!
2/3 of Australian women who may become pregnant are using or taking contraception - that means plenty of people in our community may benefit from your knowledge in how to minimise side effects, without risking efficacy!
Included in this module are some great resources for you to use with your patient, as well as a referral list of practitioners who can help your patient if they are looking for natural methods of contraception.
Chronic pain affects more than 20% of Australians over 45 years old.
The industry that surrounds this large cohort of people is diverse - from manipulative therapies, to OT, mental health support and of course medication (both pharmaceutical and nutritional/herbal)
When it comes to the medications on offer, many have been around for decades to centuries but more still come to market.
Each have their benefits and drawbacks but it would be fair to say that few are the complete pain resolution that the patient is hoping for.
This is where complementary medicines can provide significant support - are you ready to help your patients get back into life? Safely and effectively?
Learn how to answer questions around which are the best nutrients to help your patients navigate covid-19.
What's the evidence? What doses? Which one when?
Once complete, you can put together your treatment guide to help your patients resist infection, support them during infection with reduced duration/severity and then how to help with delayed recovery/long covid.